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Is Bitcoin Mining Worth it in 2024? Probably Not, Here's Why
May 15, 2024

Should you still put your money and time into mining Bitcoins?

The short answer is No.

The primary reasons why miners are facing difficulties are due to:

  • Rising energy costs
  • Mining difficulties
  • The unpredictable nature of cryptocurrency values
  • Higher hardware costs

Let's investigate further to determine whether crypto mining should continue in 2024 or whether a better alternative, like DeFi yield farming, should be chosen. 

What is Bitcoin Mining?

Bitcoin miners verify BTC transactions and add them to the blockchain. 

This process serves two crucial functions: 

  • Introduces new bitcoins into the system through the block reward, 
  • Secures the network by verifying and recording transactions on the blockchain.

Also See: What & When is Bitcoin (BTC) Halving with Countdown Timer

How Much Does it Cost to Start Mining Bitcoin?

Setting up home mining rigs is expensive. The initial cost is around $3400+.

Here are the primary things you should spend money on: 

  • Mining Gear: You need special computers called ASIC miners just for Bitcoin. Older ones might cost a few hundred bucks, but the latest ones could cost thousands. 
  • Electricity Bills: Running your mining systems 24/7 can consume significant energy. ASIC miners cost between $80 and $500 a month, depending on the electricity charges in your area.
  • Cooling Systems: ASIC miners need immersion coolants to prevent overheating. These cooling systems cost around $2000+.
  • Pool Fees: Most miners team up in pools to increase their profit chances. These pools take a small cut, usually between 1% and 3%, for their services. 
  • Other Costs: Other costs include rent if you need more space, equipment repair costs, and software updates. 

Is it Still Profitable to Mine Bitcoin from Home?

For Bitcoin miners working from home, it is becoming challenging to make money over time. Here's why: 

  • Tougher Puzzles: As more miners join the network, the puzzles they need to solve become more challenging. This makes it harder for miners with regular computers to win rewards. 
  • Expensive Electricity: Running all those computers takes a lot of electricity, and the cost keeps increasing. That eats into your profits even more. 
  • Big Competition: Huge mining companies with lots of money and special gear have a big advantage over regular folks mining at home. They can afford better equipment and cheaper electricity, making it hard for the little guys to keep up. 
  • Rewards Getting Smaller: Miner rewards are reduced by half every four years. This process is known as ‘halving '. This halving occurs every 210,000 blocks, meaning that even if you're successful, you won't get as much as crypto miners did in the past.

BTC miners with access to affordable electricity and efficient mining machines like Antminer or DragonMint can still profit from home mining. However, the returns are generally lower compared to the early days of Bitcoin.

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Here's 3 Top Reasons why Bitcoin Mining from Home is Not Worth it

#1: Cost (Setups, Mining Equipments & Electricity)

As we discussed before, starting a Bitcoin mining operation at home can be pricey. 

Here are some factors that should be considered:

  • High cost of specialized ASIC miners, particularly newer models. 
  • Significant power consumption leads to large utility bills, especially where energy prices are high. 
  • Costs for mining equipment and electricity that exceed earnings from mining. 
  • Cheaper, older mining gear uses more electricity and may not be cost-effective. 
  • Additional costs for cooling systems to prevent overheating of miners.
  • Fees for joining a mining pool to increase chances of earning rewards. 

#2: Space Required for ASIC Mining Machine

To set up ASIC miners at home, you should have a sufficient area with good airflow to prevent overheating. 

You should also buy cooling systems to stop the miners from getting too hot or noisy.

Making a good mining setup at home can be tricky and might require spending more on cooling equipment, such as air conditioners or special cooling setups. 

Plus, all those miners can be loud, which could annoy your neighbors or family.

#3: Security & Prone to Theft

Home mining setups can be attractive to thieves because the mining gear is valuable and not too hard to swipe. 

ASIC miners are made just for mining, so they're not much use for anything else. That makes them less interesting to regular folks but more valuable to other miners or people who are interested in cryptocurrencies.

Having a home mining setup might also attract unwanted attention, which could threaten the safety of your home. 

Thieves might see houses with mining rigs and think other valuable crypto stuff could be inside.

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If Bitcoin Mining is Not Worth it, What Other Alternative is out there?

Mining BTC profitably from home is only profitable if you contribute enough hashing power. Hence, it’s not profitable for most people. 

Hence, it would help if you tried DeFi yield farming instead of solo mining at home.

Unlike Bitcoin mining, which requires higher starting capital, DeFi yield farming can be started with less capital. 

All you need is some cryptocurrency to stake in a liquidity pool.

What is DeFi Yield Farming?

In DeFi yield farming, you lend or stake your crypto assets to earn rewards. 

Stacking is done on decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like lending sites or decentralized exchanges. 

You put your cryptocurrency assets into their pool of money, and in exchange, you get rewards. 

If done smartly, DeFi yield farming offers bigger returns than Bitcoin mining. 

But certainly, it's not without risks. 

There are issues like temporary losses, problems with smart contracts, or just the ups and downs of the crypto market.

Top Reasons why Yield Farming is better than Bitcoin Mining for the Majority

#1: DeFi Protocols are Accessible Anywhere, Anytime

Unlike Bitcoin mining, which requires special gear and setups, DeFi stuff is open to anyone with an internet connection. You can join in from anywhere by connecting your crypto wallet to DeFi platforms, making it much easier for more people to get involved.

#2: Low Barrier of Entry (Cost & Learning Curve)

Yield farming needs you to know about DeFi and its risks, but it's usually easier to get into than Bitcoin mining. You can start with a little money and slowly learn about the different platforms, plans, and risks.

Plus, many DeFi sites have easy-to-use screens and information to help newbies understand and make smart choices.

#3: Higher Yield

Depending on the place, market conditions, and your activities, yield farming might earn you more money than Bitcoin mining, especially if you start with a small amount. 

Some DeFi platforms offer really high yearly returns, sometimes even double or triple digits, but these can vary based on market changes.

#4: Unique DeFi Opportunities Availability

DeFi is always changing, with new stuff popping up all the time. There are lots of options for people to check out and maybe make some money in cool ways, like liquidity mining, yield aggregators, and different ways to improve yields.

As DeFi infrastructure continues to grow and evolve, you could have even more opportunities to make money beyond just mining or traditional investing.

It's important to remember that while yield farming can be a profitable business, it comes with its own risks. These include temporary losses, problems with smart contracts, and the volatility of the crypto market. 

So, it's smart to research, handle risks wisely, and spread out your investments to do well.

Also See: DeFi Vaults: What Are They and Why Do You Need Them?

How to Start Yield Farming on Bitcoin?

To start yield farming on Bitcoin, you can use the ALEX platform.

Here are the steps to follow: 

Acquire Bitcoin

Before starting yield farming, ensure you have some Bitcoin (BTC) in your cryptocurrency wallet. You can acquire Bitcoin through various exchanges or peer-to-peer platforms. 

Understand ALEX Yield Farming

ALEX yield farming involves staking liquidity pool (LP) tokens on the ALEX platform to earn additional rewards. These LP tokens represent your liquidity share provided to a specific trading pair on the ALEX decentralized exchange. 

Provide Liquidity on ALEX

The next step is to provide liquidity to the ALEX pools by depositing an equal value of Bitcoin and another cryptocurrency (usually a stablecoin) into the liquidity pool. This process is typically done through decentralized exchanges like ALEX. 

Select the Farming Pool

Once you've provided liquidity and obtained LP tokens, navigate to the farming section of the ALEX platform. Choose the farming pool that corresponds to the LP tokens you hold. For instance, select the corresponding farming pool if you hold LP tokens for the BTC/USDT trading pair. 

Stake LP Tokens

After selecting the farming pool, click the "Stake LP" option to stake your LP tokens. This action locks up your LP tokens in the farming pool and allows you to start earning rewards. 

Monitor and Manage Your Investment

Keep an eye on your staked LP tokens and the rewards you're earning. It's essential to stay informed about the performance of your yield farming activities and adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Harvest Rewards

At the end of each staking cycle, which typically lasts a few days, you'll have rewards to claim. Harvest your rewards and consider restaking them to maximize your returns through compounding.


Bitcoin mining is profitable for those with access to cheap electricity and modern hardware. It's less likely to be profitable for small-scale miners without these advantages.

Instead of mining Bitcoin, you should try yield farming, which can generate better profits without a higher initial investment.