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Newsletter: B20 and the First Ever BRC20 IDO Airdrop Whitelist
June 14, 2023

Dear Alexians,

May has been a month for the history books with our robust developments and groundbreaking innovations in the BRC20 landscape. Our journey these past weeks has been marked with several significant milestones.

May saw us quickly follow up the delivery of the ALEX Bridge linking BNBChain and Stacks, with the launch of B20, the first and fastest BRC-20 Orderbook DEX. Now as we enter June we are launching the first-of-its-kind BRC-20 token IDO on our Launchpad.

The First BRC20 IDO on the ALEX Launchpad

We are very excited to announce the first-ever BRC20 Launchpad release will be OrdmintAPP — pioneering a community-led launchpad for Ordinals.​

Project Details

There is a special opportunity for $ALEX holders, and in collaboration with Ordmint, there are 100 airdrop whitelist spots in total, click on “See Tweet” to read how you can participate.

See Tweet

More details to come in the days ahead.

ALEX featured in Coin Telegraph

ALEX Bitcoin DeFi was featured in an article published by Cointelegraph on how BRC20 is leading a boom in Bitcoin DeFi. Read more about our progress here:

Read Article

ALEX in the Binance Research Report

We are proud to share the recognition of ALEX’s commitment to evolving DeFi on Bitcoin in the Binance Research report on the BRC-20 market. Read the full report here:

Read Article

Timeline of Execution

The past weeks have been spent building and shipping non-stop. On May 12, we launched the ALEX Bridge, connecting BNBChain and Stacks. A few days later we unveiled B20, the world’s first and fastest BRC20 DEX, as well as $B20 ALEX’s own BRC20 token, which shot up to second place in trading volume.

A week later we enabled permissionless listing for new tokens on B20, and just in the past week the unveiling of our BRC20 Launchpad. Just three weeks after our launch 22 different BRC20 tokens are listed for trading on B20.

For a thorough timeline of our track record of execution over the past weeks please see our tweet:

See Timeline

Chiente Speaks at Bitcoin Builder’s Conference in Miami

On May 17th, Chiente spoke on the DeFi panel at the 2023 Bitcoin Builder’s Conference in Miami. Her strong advocacy for DeFi and the need for permissionless listing of BRC20 tokens, drew cheers from the audience:

See Video

Rachel and Chan at Stacks Seoul

This past week on June 7th, ALEX Co-Founder and COO, Rachel Yu and CTO, Chan Ahn attended the Stacks Seoul Meetup.

Joining Stacks Co-Founder and Trust Machines CEO, Muneeb Ali at the event, they met with the strong Stacks Korean community looking ahead toward the future of Stacks and of ALEX.

In Conclusion

Although initially we caused congestion issues on the Stacks network, our team has worked tirelessly to optimize and enhance our community’s trading experience. Currently, our peg-in success rate exceeds 90%, with over 40K matched orders and a trading volume of over $3M. We are excited to report that we’ve welcomed more than 4,000 users to B20, the world’s first orderbook settled on Bitcoin.

We’re continually pushing boundaries to redefine DeFi on Bitcoin with ongoing innovations. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the coming days!

Best regards,
ALEX Lab Foundation